Turkish Language Proficiency Exam; It is prepared for foreign nationals who want to certify their Turkish knowledge. It is a test that determines the proficiency of Turkish in reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. It is done once a month.
  • Anyone who has started Turkish education can take this exam.
  • Exam duration is 180 minutes.
  • There are 50 questions in the reading section and 25 questions in the listening section. Writing and speaking exams are prepared and administered by the academic staff. The total score that can be taken from the exam is 100.
  • At the end of the exam,
           Those who gets 60-75 points are B1 level.
           Those who score 75-85 are B2,
           Those who score 85 points are C1 level.
           Those who score 85 and above are deserve to receive a "Turkish Language Proficiency Certificate" at the C1 level.
The exam fee is 75 USD. 
To register for the exam; after depositing the exam fee to the bank account with the following information, notify us about the date you want to take the exam by sending us a picture of your passport and the bank receipt
You can pay the exam fee in 3 ways: 
1. You can pay online using internet banking. 
2. You can pay from an ATM using the option of cardless transactions. 
3. You can go to the bank and pay by hand. 
P.S.: Please do not forget to write the name and surname of the student in the explanation section. After making the payment, you are required to send your passport and your receipt to tumer@fsm.edu.tr. Otherwise, your payment will not be seen. Our bank information is given below:
Türk Lirası (TL) (Turkish Lira)
Vakıfbank Fatih Şubesi-S00099
Hesap No: 00158007306490765
IBAN: TR18 0001 5001 5800 7306 4907 65
Alıcı Adı: Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakıf Üniversitesi İktisadi İşletmesi
Açıklama: *Öğrenci Adı/Soyadı (Name&Surname of the Student)*
The dates of the Turkish Language Proficiency Exam, which will be held in 2023, are as follows.

The Dates of TDYS- 2023











